Teamsters Rally to Protect Generations of Safe, Union Jobs at Ecobat Facility

Ecobat | September 17, 2024

Workers and Community Stand United for Permit Renewal to Safeguard Jobs 

Over 75 Ecobat workers, Teamster members, and community supporters gathered on Saturday, September 14, at the CA Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Public Hearing to show their support for the renewal of Ecobat’s City of Industry Battery Recycling Facility operating permit.

“The success of Ecobat comes down to the hard work and dedication of its workers,” said Chris Griswold, Teamsters Joint Council 42 President and Local 986 Principal Officer. “Our members are empowered to put safety first, ensuring that this plant operates at the highest standards. The impact of these union jobs goes beyond the plant—these workers are buying homes, supporting local businesses, and strengthening their communities. We support the renewal of this permit for Ecobat these good jobs for generations to come.”

The facility, which has been a vital part of the community for decades, provides nearly 250 Teamster jobs and maintains the highest standards in safety and environmental protections.

“I’ve worked at Ecobat for 51 years, and I’ve seen the company make major improvements that have turned this facility into the leader in safety it is today,” said Joe Ramirez, a retired Ecobat employee and Teamster member. “We’ve had people from Washington come in and check our safety tests because they couldn’t believe how safe we were. Ecobat has always invested in its workers and their well-being, and I fully support the renewal of the permit to protect the hundreds of Teamster families who rely on these good, union jobs.”

“My coworkers and I take pride in what we do. Our job is to keep our air clean and protect our community,” said Ozzie Martinez, Ecobat WESP Technician of over 10 years. “I’ve raised my seven children just five minutes from the plant, and their health and safety, as well as that of my neighbors, is just as important to me as my job. We work in full transparency, and I support the renewal of this permit because it’s about keeping our air clean and protecting good jobs.”

“Ecobat emphasizes safety above all else, and this job allows me to provide for my family and help support my retired father,” said Jonathan Evangelista, a Refinery Operator at Ecobat for nearly five years. “I know there’s misinformation out there, but the truth is that Ecobat is doing everything possible to protect our safety and the environment. I wouldn’t work here if I didn’t believe it was safe.”

This is one of two public hearings to take input from community members and other stakeholders on the renewal of Ecobat’s operating permit.  The public comment period ends November 18, with a proposed final decision date in early 2025.  

Teamsters Local 986 represents the nearly 250 Ecobat workers at the City of Industry Facility, continues to stand in full support of the facility’s permit renewal, ensuring that generations of safe, union jobs continue to provide for workers and their families.

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